Sunday, May 23, 2010

Favorite Fotos

There is no theme to this blog. The fun thing about a digital camera is that one can take pictures without the worry of wasting film. If the picture isn't good, it's deleted. So these are a few pictures of people, things, and places that caught our fancy.

President and Hna. Hacking, in Bogota, had this colorful container on their coffee table. Dad and I both wanted to know where we could find one. Their neighbor makes them--a kind of decopage and laquer art. Had we spent longer than 36 hours in Bogota, we would have gone to meet their neighbor. Hna. Hacking will bring us one like this one in October when we attend the Mission Presidents' Seminar.

This basura or garbage container was sitting by their couch. You can be sure it wasn't being used for garbage.

On the way to the airport, we passed this mattress and blanket seller not far from our apartment. Coule he pile anymore on his bike? Yes! It puts a new slant on wide load vehicles.

This man's load is so wide, he cannot see to pedal. We saw two of these crate couriers in one day last week.

In April we went to Piura for four days. When we returned, we learned we would be moving into new offices. Since late April the Area office has a new look--inside walls where there were none, walls removed, security doors moved a few feet--our old windowless but comfortable office is now the Area Secretary's office. The two executive secretaries have moved from the front door area to the newly created space to be closer to the Area Presidency. The CES secretaries have moved farther down the hall behind the moved security doors, and Dad and I have a new office with windows--a room with a view--on the second floor next to the office with the open window in the space occupied by CES (Church Education System). We are no longer in the Area Presidency offices but we have easy access with electronic keys. I also have an space in the office next to the Area Secretary's wife so, in a sense, I have two offices.

Dad and I share this office space. The day we came back from Bogota, Dad found the door locked and the keys were on the inside. A janitor had locked the door. Only a locksmith could unlock the door.
We use two computers to process the medical section of the missionary applications from the five countries, about 50 a week. I record the name and stake with its number on a legal-size white tablet. I look up the attachments--chest x-ray, labs, etc., on my laptop because his computer cannot see the attachments. If everything needed is there, the prospective missionary passes onto the Area Secretary's wife for translating into English, and then onto SLC. If something is missing, I indicate that on the white tablet and the prospective missionary's stake president is notified by the special service missionaries who come in a few hours every day.

How fun is this! London has its double decker bus. NYC has it's Sight-Seeing double decker bus.
Old Lima has a Mirabus, loosely translated look-bus. Dad and I have not taken advantage of this yet.

One afternoon we were returning from the coast with the North Americans who had three more weeks at the Lima CCM. The bus was on the narrow, Old Inca Road from the sea to San Isidro. The grass was being "hand watered" because it really doesn't rain in Lima. Lawns are hand watered, and instead of lawn mowers, lawns are cut with large scissors or a weed whackers.

And finally, lunch at Pizza Hut, with the North American missionaries--this was a favorite event for the misisonaries who still had three weeks left in the CCM. Before our trip by bus to Old Lima and the coast, we stopped at Pizza Hut for an all you can eat lunch. Because of the increasing numbers of North Americans, the Pizza Hut adventure has been dropped. I never thought I'd hear Dad say he missed the lunches at Pizza Hut, but just last week he admitted how much he enjoyed eating pizza and watching the NA put away many pizzas.

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